If you are looking into some extra money during the holidays here in the Philipines, you will never go wrong with these super food businesses that exponentially increase the more Christmas gets near.
Homemade Cookies
Cookies, especially the artisan made, have the biggest profit during the holidays because they are given by people to their friends and by corporations to their clients and vice versa. Learn how to make delicious cookies by the batch, set a win-win profit margin, advertise on Facebook. You will get orders, easy.
Cupcakes, Leche Flan and Other Baked Goodies

Delicous! These Leche Flan are a great business during the Christmas season, sold by Llanera.
Same as cookies above, but not that much. Cupcakes and other baked goodies like cakes in slices and sweet breads are also gifted by people to the ones they like, so you are also a winner if you choose this. Leche flan, pastillas and other sweets are also in the same vein in this category. Like always, word of mouth is your best marketing weapon in promoting your goodies.
Bibingka at Puto Bumbong

I myself never fail to buy these when I go out (happens rarely) and during the holiday season.
You knew this is coming, right? Bibingka and puto bumbong are also the star during Christmas season and if you know how to make these, you will enjoy a nice profit during the holiday. Placement is critical, though and you would have to go near churches and target the people who have just had their Misa de Gallo (Simbang Gabi). Expect low income on Christmas day itself, though.
Pasta (Spaghetti, Pansit Palabok, Carbonara)

Pasta is never absent during Chritmas parties, so you know you will have a nice batch of orders during December.
The pasta is the ubiquitous food during Christmas parties, so if you know how to make delicious pasta, you can turn this into a business provided you have contacts with offices.
Lechon and Ham

The lechon is the king of noche buena, and is present in Christmas dinners of those who can afford it.
The staple Noche Buena and Medya Noche dinner. Even if you do not make these, just selling these at a markup will yield extra Christmas money for you. Social media is your biggest weapon here and if you utilize your network properly, you can yield tons of orders to keep you busy until Christmas.
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